Workshops + Coaching
CJLee Coaching offers 1:1 coaching, core values workshops for women, pro bono support for non-profit leaders, and Qigong workshops for coaches and leaders. As leaders and coaches, we need to take care of ourselves in order to help others. Qigong workshops focus on personal growth and health. Qigong is the Chinese practice of internal health and awareness based on relaxation, posture, and correct breathing. Qigong helps you pursue the best version of yourself!
Carolyn uses her many years of experience to help people with challenges ranging from; developing vision, mission and strategic goals, improving work flow, constructing an offsite agenda, and steps to improving or dissolving partnerships.
​​Would you like to be more centered and calmer as a coach or consultant in every aspect of your life? Schedule a private lesson with Carolyn Lee, experience Qigong's essence, and learn the practice of Cheng man ching taiji, Taiji Qigong, and Wild Gose Qigong. Qigong is the Chinese practice of internal health and awareness based on relaxation, posture, and correct breathing. It is a simple and gentle yet effective exercise that can create a clear mind, a calm heart, and a full center of energy.